Friday, July 24, 2009


I found this great site: A professor at Caltech has made a study of snowflakes (crystals) and physics. There are amazing pictures and even movies where you can watch a snowflake grow! Here is a little trivia I have learned about snowflakes from his site and one of his gift books:

1. You can see snowflakes better with a magnifying glass - they are more than just flat dots!

2. Snowflakes come in all shapes: needles, columns, plates, stars and more...

3. It takes 15 minutes for a snowflake to form.

4. A symmetrical snowflake is not a frozen raindrop - it grows from water vapor in the air. Snowflakes are frozen clouds.

5. Snowflakes are not white, they are clear.

6. No two snowflakes are alike. As a snowflake falls from the sky, the way it falls causes its shape to change as it falls (including other snowflakes, etc. that it bumps into on it's journey to becoming a snowflake)

My favorite quote from this little gift book is "Simply moving from place to place within a cloud is sufficient to produce a near-infinite variety of different snowflake patterns." As nature always does for me, it turns my thoughts to my Creator and the Creator of all that surrounds me. If God made snowflakes to be so unique, so particular, so spectacular and they last only a little while - just think how amazing He is - so unique, so particular so spectacular. After looking at a snowflake, worship is not an exercise, it is an awesome pleasure.

-- Gina

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