Right now in the Piedmont the trees are parading their beautiful fall gowns. The drive to work every morning is breathtaking. It is still one of the truly magical things that happen every year. In our instant society, it is one of the things we cannot make happen faster, or to our liking. I love it!Have you ever wondered what makes leaves change colors? Well, if you ask my four-year-old niece, she will tell you that they are putting on their Halloween costumes. LOL. However, I was able to enjoy several articles on www.visitnc.com this fall from Howard Neufeld, the "Fall Color Guy". He explained the science behind how the color changes take place. He also gave links to other articles which include an index of which trees change to which colors. Here is a list of trees and their colors that you may see on your drive in to work today:
Red, brown or russet = Oaks
Golden bronze = Hickories
Golden yellow = Aspen and Yellow Poplar
Purplish red = Dogwood
Crimson = Sourwood
Brilliant Scarlet = Red Maple
Orange-red = Sugar Maple
Glowing yellow = Black Maple

There has always been one part of leaf change that has sparked my curiosity. Have you ever noticed that the whole tree doesn't change colors all at once? Many things affect leaf change including: temperature, moisture, length of night and more, but they affect the whole tree the same way. The only variable in how the leaves on the same tree change differently is - sunlight.
If you look at trees along the woodline, or for that matter, on the side of the road as you drive in to work today, you'll notice that if a tree has not completely changed color, the part of the tree most exposed to the sun will change colors first. Along the edge of the highway, the side facing the highway will turn first while the back side of the tree will turn last. That is because there is nothing in the highway that blocks the sun. If you look at trees farther into the woods, you'll notice the tops of the trees turn first, while the bottom of the trees turn last. That is because the tops of the trees get the most exposure to the sun while the bottoms of the trees get less sunlight.
Romans 1:20 says "...since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse".
When I look at natural wonders, like the changing of the leaves, I am indeed aware of God's eternal power and divine nature. No one other than God could display His power and presence in such an awesome and breath-taking way - and that is only what He has created! The splendor of who He is far surpasses what He has made.
We are like the trees - we respond to God just as the trees respond to the sun. We go through seasons of change, just like the trees - growth in the spring, strength in the summer, change in the fall and cleansing in the winter. However, just like those trees that are not yet completely changed, only the parts of us that we expose to the Son will change into a greater glory for His glory. We are also the "trees" of our world that "proclaim the existence of God". Whether you are aware or not, the world is watching for the change from glory to glory that we as Christians show in our daily lives.
So my question today is, are you fully exposed to the Son? Are you stepping out of the shadows of your every day life and placing yourself in the full light of the Son? Are you allowing God to change you on a daily basis? Are you a saint that is being perfected? Are you being changed, from glory to glory?
I admit I get comfortable where I'm planted - my routine, my reputation, my self-perspective. But I need to cut away those things that keep me shadowed from full exposure to the Son. My prayer today is from Psalm 139:23-24:
Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts
See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.
Lord, I pray today, that You shine your light on the shadows of my life. Show me the things that must change so that I can become more like You. Show me how to let go of the things that stand between me and your Son so that I can release them and stand closer to You. Likewise, help me to be more aware of the changes you make in me from day to day that I may glorify You with all that is within me. Let my life shout Your existence that others may be drawn to You. Amen.
Happy fall y'all!