I can still remember the first time I ever held a box turtle. It was at my grandmother’s house – in her backyard. I was totally enamored with it’s shell - bright orange, green and yellow. It amazed me that an animal could be so soft and so hard, all at the same time. I was intrigued by the way the turtle could retreat into his shell and stay perfectly hidden. I tried in vain to coax him out of his shell with a handful of fresh-cut grass. In the end, I had to wait patiently until the turtle decided to stretch his arms, legs, head and tail out of his shell again.
Have you ever noticed the similarity of the words “shell” and “shield”? The similarity doesn’t stop with words – the turtle’s shell is indeed a shield from predators, from injury and even inquisitive children. The bony shell is covered in a natural camouflage to the turtle’s environment. It is both a shield of sight and touch. It is a most amazing and effective shield in that it totally surrounds the turtle. There is no direction the turtle can turn and be uncovered. He is protected on all sides.
In Psalm 144:2 David says of God:
“He is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer. My shield in whom I take refuge.”
Just like the shell is a shield to the turtle, God is a shield for us. It is God who keeps us safe in times of trouble. It is God who is our strength against predators and potential injury to our heart, mind, soul and body.
There is no time, no place, that God is not our shield. In Psalm 139:5, 7-10 David speaks of God being an ever-present shield.
“You hem me in – behind and before; You have laid your hand upon me.
Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
If I make my bed in the depths you are there
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
If I settle on the far side of the sea,
Even there your hand will guide me,
Your right hand will hold me fast.”
Regardless of how far away, how hidden from God we can imagine being, there is nowhere we can go that God will not be with us. But how? Why?
A turtle is always connected to His shell. A turtle cannot survive without it. Not simply because the shell protects him, but because the shell is part of him and he is part of the shell. While the shell is mostly separate from the turtle, the strength of the shell (the bony ridge on top from head to tail) is actually part of the turtle’s backbone. In essence, the turtle is in the shell and the shell is in the turtle.
Several times in Scripture, Jesus talks about living in
us as we live in Him. In John 15:5, Jesus says:
“I am the vine; you are the branches.
If a man remains in me and I in him,
He will bear much fruit;
Apart from me you can do nothing”.
And then there is the wonder of instinct. While the shell is a perfect shield, it would be of no help to the turtle if the turtle didn’t use it. God created an awareness of both safety and danger in the turtle. When it is safe, the turtle walks about carrying a large shield with him that may appear to be of no help at all. But in an instant – at the first sense of danger, the turtle retreats to safety behind his shield. Suddenly what seemed empty and useless is now the most precious and valuable part of Him.
Sometimes in our lives difficulties may come that beg the questions: “Where are you God?” “Why aren’t you protecting me?”. These questions often bring us to a place that our faith feels like an empty shell. But if our faith seems to be an empty shell it is simply because we have not filled it by putting ourselves completely into God’s protection through our full faith in him.
Doubting God is like laying down your shield in the middle of a battle. You are totally exposed to the predator of your soul – Satan – who “goes about like a roaring lion – seeking whom he may destroy”. Believe me, Satan is not in this for the battle – he is in it to win the war. The last thing he wants you to do is trust in God – whether it is for the first time or the hundredth time. Satan’s goal is your utter destruction. He is your enemy. Satan, not God, comes to “steal, kill and destroy.” When you see death, poverty, sickness trouble surrounding you – be assured it is not God’s doing – it is Satan.
John 3:16-17 says,
“For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.”
So I encourage you today – take up your shield of faith. Use the “instincts” God put in you. Call on God and trust in Him. Ask Him to live in you. Depend on Him as your source for everything – your strength, your shield, your very being. He will not let you down. He is the shield that never fails.